ABGC Updates, ABGC Spotlight

ABGC Spotlight: Sylvia Mann, MS, CGC

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Sylvia Mann, MS, CGC®‎ is Supervisor, State of Hawaii Department of Health Genomics Section and Project Director of Western States Regional Genetics Network.

Why did you choose to become a genetic counselor?

I discovered the genetic counseling profession while searching for a topic to write about ‎for my genetics seminar during my undergraduate studies at the University of British ‎Columbia. The description of genetic counseling really resonated with my interests and ‎diverted me from my pre-medical studies path. Luckily, Dr. Judith Hall was one of my ‎mentors and was very supportive of my pursuit to become a genetic counselor.‎

What are your current roles and what path did you take to get to them?

I was the first formally trained genetic counselor to work in Hawaii and have participated ‎in the development of most of the genetic services in the state. I joined the State of Hawaii ‎Department of Health in 1993 and my role has evolved from overseeing the Genetics ‎Program to creating and supervising the Genomics Section, which oversees the ‎Newborn Metabolic Screening, Newborn Hearing Screening, Birth Defects, and Genetics ‎programs.

Since 2003, I have also been the Project Director for the Western States Regional ‎Genetics Network (WSRGN), one of the seven Regional Genetics Networks (RGNs) ‎funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration. The WSRGN consists of ‎Alaska, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. The mission of the ‎RGNs is to support increasing access to genetic services, information and education to ‎underserved populations. In this role, I worked with our WSRGN partners to be leaders ‎in supporting genetic provider training and implementation of telehealth, development of ‎resources for families and increasing access to genetic services for racial and ethnic ‎minority families.‎

It has been interesting developing genetic clinical services and public health activities ‎over the past 30 years and I have been fortunate to have very supportive local, regional ‎and national partners willing to try out my ideas even when they are sometimes a bit “out ‎there.”‎

What’s it like to work in Hawaii?

I didn’t know what I was getting into when I first moved to Hawaii after graduating from ‎Sarah Lawrence. However, it has turned out to be a wonderful place to work. The people ‎are friendly and laid back, but have a sense of ohana (family) in caring for the ‎community. I’ve had massive support from the Department of Health and community for ‎my work. It helps that I’ve successfully competed and received over $27 million in federal ‎funding for my activities and research.  ‎

I think I’ve had such diverse opportunities in my work. I’ve developed programs, written ‎and passed laws, done public health and clinical research, served on local and national ‎advisory committees, done massive community engagement activities, participated in ‎federal grant review and so much more than genetic counselors usually have an ‎opportunity to do.‎

What motivated you to help create the Minority Genetic Professionals Network ‎‎(MGPN)?‎

As one of the activities under the WSRGN, the Minority Genetic Professionals Network ‎‎(MGPN) was initially developed in 2016 as an activity to increase racial and ethnic ‎minority students to enter training to become genetics professionals. The idea was to ‎increase minority genetics providers that can provide cultural and language appropriate ‎services to minority families. We also wanted students from minority communities to ‎become genetic professionals and go back to work in their home communities. Activities ‎include connecting with undergraduate and high school students to inform them about ‎genetic professions, implementing a virtual career fair, creating a Slack channel for ‎prospective students to connect with each other and a formal mentorship program.‎

As our recruitment and mentorship activities were implemented, we received feedback ‎that current practicing minority genetics providers also wanted to have support, ‎mentorship, and networking opportunities. In response to this need, we expanded the ‎MGPN to provide networking and activities to support minority genetics providers to stay ‎and excel in their professions.‎

There are currently approximately 900 MGPN members, comprised of practicing genetic ‎providers, current trainees and prospective students. Most of the members are genetic ‎counselors or genetic counseling trainees.‎

We did not expect the pandemic and national and world events, starting with the murder ‎of George Floyd, would highlight the importance of MGPN so much. It has been a ‎support system for our minority genetics providers and students and has allowed ‎prospective students to explore the profession during a pandemic. And, it has provided a ‎centralized organization to allow advocacy, communication and feedback for genetic ‎counseling organizations that are considering diversity, equity, inclusion and justice ‎activities.‎

Do you feel that the MGPN played a role in increasing the diversity of the ‎applicant pool this admission cycle? If so, how?

Genetic counseling training program directors have told me that many applicants this ‎cycle mentioned MGPN in their applications and/or their interviews. After Match Day, we ‎had MGPN members report being matched to over 30 programs.‎

The Virtual Career Fair we held in October 2020 had more than 1,200 attendees with at ‎least 30% minority students. After the Career Fair, we converted the website to a ‎centralized site with information about genetic counseling training programs. We plan to ‎hold the Career Fair annually and will also host a summer series with information about ‎various admissions programs for prospective students.‎

Are there any diversity focused resources that you would like to share?

There are many resources available on the MGPN website.‎

Any other thoughts that you’d like to share about your career or the GC field?

Over the years I’ve been fortunate to have great mentors as a student and during my ‎career to help navigate the many paths. However, I wish I had a MGPN to support me in ‎this profession. It has been difficult being a minority as a genetic counselor and I’ve ‎experienced racism and bullying by genetic counselors. I want minority genetic ‎counselors to know that they can be successful and that they now have MGPN for ‎support.‎