ABGC Updates

President’s Perspective: Welcoming New Beginnings

As we embrace the warmth and free-spirited nature of the summer season, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the passing of spring, a season that’s always held a special place in my heart, reminding me of the bittersweet moments of graduation and the anticipation of new beginnings.

During my time at the genetic counseling training program at UT, I eagerly awaited the sight of our students crossing the stage, joining the ranks of genetic counselors. Witnessing their growth and achievements filled me with immense pride and hope for the future of our profession. However, alongside the celebrations, bidding farewell to these talented individuals was always so bittersweet. It was a reminder that time moves swiftly, and we must embrace the moments we share with those around us.

On a personal note, this spring was particularly poignant for me. My son, now a rising junior, and my daughter, a rising freshman, recently ended their academic year, and next year I’ll have two kids in high school! It feels like just yesterday they were infants, and I find myself wondering where the years have gone. The passage of time for any parent becomes a poignant reminder of our roles as stewards of the future. We watch our children grow, blossom and embark on their own journeys, leaving us both proud and nostalgic. This season reminds me of my appreciation for the work we do as genetic counselors. We play an instrumental role in guiding families through pivotal life decisions, offering support and empowering them with knowledge. Just as we witness the transformation of our students during graduation, we have the privilege of witnessing the transformative power of genetic counseling in the lives of our patients. In this issue of the newsletter, we have the honor of highlighting the renowned Michelle Fox, MS, CGC, who has informed many of the power of genetic counseling, including countless worthy students, who she guided toward our career.

Speaking of transformative change, I’d like to address some important updates regarding our website, which serves as a vital platform for information dissemination and resource sharing within our community. To ensure its continued effectiveness and relevance, we have undertaken a comprehensive review and update process. We are dedicated to improving the user experience and enhancing the accessibility of our website, and our team’s goal was to create a platform that caters to the diverse needs of our members, enabling seamless interaction and knowledge exchange. I encourage all of you to explore the updated website and stay connected with us on our social media platforms.

Your engagement helps us create a community of professionals poised to support and uplift each other. Also, be sure to take a moment to update your information in the ABGC Portal — find more info about this later in the newsletter. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment to the field of genetic counseling. As we move forward, I remain committed to supporting and guiding our board toward even greater accomplishments, and I hope you will as well. 


Sarah Jane Noblin, MS, CGC
President, American Board of Genetic Counseling