Certification Exam Committee (CEC)
Develop the CGC Certification Examination based on the current content outline and a practice examination (when necessary), using questions submitted by item writers.
- Amy Shikany, Chair
- Katherine Dunn, Chair-elect
- Kathryn Spitzer Kim
- Elizabeth Seiwert
- Melanie Charles
- Linda Manwaring
- Dawn Nixon
- Tiffiney Carter
- Emily Brown
- Rebecca Freeman
- Melanie Hardy, Board Liaison
Continued Competence Committee (CCC)
The Continued Competence Committee has worked over the last four years to investigate the current processes around recertification, to ensure the continued competence of certified genetic counselors is maintained. In 2025, the committee will be focused on the rollout of a scenario-based learning program (learning through concordance) that will be optional for all diplomates in 2025, but will become a mandatory part of recertification in 2026.
- Sharon Aufox, Co-Chair
- Claire Davis, Co-Chair
- Tiffiney Carter
- Jenna Scott
- Lila Aiyar
- Bronson Riley
- Vanessa Nitibon
- Juliann McConnell
- Erin Carter
- Monica Marvin
- Tahnee Causey
- Angie Trepanier
- Sharon Chan, Board Liaison
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) Committee
Implement structured, intentional and permanent efforts to promote diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. In 2025, the DEIJ Committee will be focused on administering and managing the ABGC Need-Based Certification Scholarship. This scholarship will provide financial assistance to CGC applicants, especially those who would bring diverse perspectives to the genetic counseling profession.
ABGC participates in the larger North American Genetic Counseling Organizations (NAGCO). Information about this group's collaboration efforts can be found on NSGC's website.
- Josie Baker, Chair
- Nick Charles Paolino, Vice Chair
- Enrique Lopez, Immediate Past Chair
- Vivian Pan, Board Liaison
- Naghmeh Dorrani
- Hunaydah Elfarawi
- Tiara Johnson
- Whitney Neufeld-Kaiser
- Alejandra Oliva
- Lisa Schwartz
- Rozalia Valentine
- Megan Yabumoto
Item Writing Committee (IWC)
Develop items to be used on the certification exam. Item writers will be assigned to write items that assess competence in specified parts of the ABGC detailed Content Outline.
- Rebekah Barrick
- Elizabeth Charnysh
- Alyson Floyd
- Jordan Foster
- Kristina Garcia
- Sherry Grumet
- Heather Kamen
- Libby Malphrus
- Alexandra Truhlar
- Catherine Miers
- Dana Mittag
- Taylor Porter
- Jessie Poskochil
- Gillian Prinzing
- Kristen Rasmussen
- Crescenda Uhles
- Chinmayee Bhimarao Nagaraj
- Grace Bronken
- Jessica Giordano
Practice Exam Committee (PEC)
Develop items to be used on the ABGC practice exam. Practice exam item writers will be assigned to write items that assess competence in specified parts of the ABGC detailed Content Outline. The ABGC practice exam is updated every two years. The next publishing date will be June 2026.
- Eugene Wong
- Alexandra McClellan
- Ash Byrnes
- Ashlee Vargason
- Jordan Foster
- Chinmayee Bhimarao Nagaraj
- Grace Bronken
- Jessica Giordano