ABGC would like to announce two important updates that will go into effect in 2024.
First, we have signed a contract with Prometric to become our new test provider in 2024 and beyond. Prometric is a highly respected and trusted test provider that is used by hundreds of healthcare certification boards. We believe the transition to Prometric will provide a more seamless testing experience and will alleviate many of the issues experienced by test takers during the August 2023 exam window and in previous years.
Please be on the lookout as more details on upcoming test dates will be shared soon. To facilitate a smooth transition from PSI to Prometric, we will need to delay our Spring 2024 exam period from February to March. We recognize that waiting an additional 30 days to test may cause undue stress. However, we believe the delay is necessary to ensure an optimal testing experience, which is our top priority.
Second, in April 2024 we will launch a new CGC exam application for the August exam window. The new application will include a series of demographic questions that each candidate will be prompted to answer. The purpose of these questions is to describe the various identities of our test takers and to identify whether any specific demographic characteristics are associated with performance on the exam. All of these questions will be voluntary and will include an option to select “Prefer Not to Answer." Once these questions have been added, we will provide additional information about how the data is stored and how data analysis will be conducted and shared.
Thank you for your continued support and feedback. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
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